Welcome to the Animal Planet Stadium in Silver Spring Maryland where the event of the year has gone to the dogs. The top puppy players from all over the country have been training for this moment all season long […] Read more
Narration Free Voice Over Scripts
Anime Script
The world is about to change. And we can make sure it changes for the better. When wicked forces are coming for you, I will help you. I can save you but you need to trust me. I know what these beasts can do and I have defeated them before. Let me train you and […] Read more
Anita Vizcarra
Anita Vizcarra kneels before her Rose bed. Her bare fingers rake the dead leaves from around the plants. She has cast off her gardening gloves! She loves the feel of the earth’s awakening, the humid fertile smell of it. Anita is thirty-five years old. She is slender and petite … her face has high cheekbones […] Read more
Annabel Lee by Edgar Alan Poe
It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of ANNABEL LEE; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. I was a child and she was a child, […] Read more
Another U2 Spy Plane Incident
On October 27, 1962, just as the Cuban Missile Crisis was reaching its boiling point, an American U-2 spy plane took off from Alaska en route to a routine reconnaissance mission near the North Pole. Pilot Charles Maultsby was supposed to use celestial navigation to find his way, but halfway through the trip his view […] Read more
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams, more than any other individual, brought Yosemite and the national park idea to the American people. His photographs, his letters, his lobbying of Congress, presidents and the National Park Service, spanned seven decades. They served, and still serve, to make millions aware of Yosemite’s beauty and to call attention to the dangers it […] Read more
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams, more than any other individual, brought Yosemite and the national park idea to the American people. His photographs, his letters, his lobbying of Congress, presidents and the National Park Service, spanned seven decades. They served, and still serve, to make millions aware of Yosemite’s beauty and to call attention to the dangers it […] Read more
Ansel Adams – A Letter to Cedric
Dear Cedric. A strange thing happened to me today. I saw a big thundercloud move down over Half Dome, and it was so big and clear and brilliant that it made me see many things that were drifting around inside of me; things that relate to those who are loved and those who are real […] Read more
Ansel Adams – A letter to his father
June 8th, 1920. Dear Father: I am more than ever convinced that the only possible way to interpret the scenes hereabout is through an impressionistic vision. A cold material representation gives one no conception whatsoever of the great size and distances of these mountains. Ansel […] Read more
Ansel Adams – a letter to Virginia
March 29th, 1923. Dear Virginia. The desire to get into the mountains has grown very strong in me lately…– how often I wish that the Valley could be now like it was forty years ago — a pure wilderness, with only a wagon road through it, and no automobiles nor mobs. I long for the […] Read more