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Narration Free Voice Over Scripts

As we zoom into a Dupuytren

As we zoom into a Dupuytren’s cord, we see that each collagen fiber is made up of multiple collagen fibrils,8 and microfibrils, and each microfibril is made of several triple-helix collagen monomers.8,9 The native triple-helical conformation and increased covalent cross-linking contribute to the considerable tensile strength of a Dupuytren’s cord.2,10,11 Increased synthesis of types I […] Read more


Welcome! This call is brought to you by Asbell-McCormick as a thank you for your continued business. We will always strive to bring you the best service possible […] Read more

Ashokan Farewell

In great deeds something abides. On great fields something stays. Forms change; bodies disappear; spirits linger, to consecrate ground for the vision-place of souls. And reverent men and women from afar, and generations that know us not of, heart-drawn to see where and by whom great things were suffered and done for them, shall come […] Read more


Pharmacologic therapy is used to prevent and control asthma symptoms, reduce the frequency and severity of asthma exacerbations, and reverse airflow obstruction. Asthma medications are categorized into two general classifications: quick-relief and long-term medications. Quick-relief medications are taken to provide prompt reversal of acute airflow obstruction and relief of accompanying bronchoconstriction. Long-term control medications are […] Read more

At Arm’s Length – Dead Men’s Shoes

Mrs. Hazleton is one of these eminently respect- able personages. She has occupied the house in Lowther Street for the last ten years. She has gone to the sea-side every year of those ten, and at exactly the same period, has returned after the same inter-val, has given her great parties at the same seasons, […] Read more

AT&T Area Code Change

Due to an area code change, your call cannot be completed as dialed. You must dial 1 plus 201 plus the number you wish to reach. The tones that follow are for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Thank you for using AT&T […] Read more

AT&T Directory Assistance

This is AT&T. To place a call please dial the number you are calling. For double OH U.S. Directory press one. For other requests, please say information, credit or operator. Thank you for using AT&T. This is AT&T Double OH info. Can I help you? Who is the party you are looking for? OK the […] Read more


Whether one comes by air, sea, or land, the visitor to Athens enters a metropolis. It’s a huge city … an urban sea, surging around a few outcroppings of rock … a sea which spreads a little farther with each passing year. Built around the remains of antiquity, the modern city of Athens has sent […] Read more


High blood sugar, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure contribute to the formation of plaque on the inside walls of the blood vessels. This process, known as atherosclerosis, reduces the amount of blood that can pass through the blood vessels […] Read more

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

He did not know why he suddenly thought of the oak tree. Nothing had recalled it. But he thought of it—and of his summers on the Taggart Estate. He had spent most of his childhood with the Taggart children, and now he worked for them, as his father and grandfather had worked for their father […] Read more