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Narration Free Voice Over Scripts


Forging our future requires the courage to explore new dimensions. And to increase our competitive advantage, Greiner’s management is focusing its energies on developing the firm’s capabilities in emerging new markets. Specifically, we have chosen three areas which we believe will have the greatest potential for financial and technological gain. These are multi-model transportation facilities, […] Read more


Twelve degrees north latitude is a great address in the Caribbean. Far south of the path of hurricanes and most cruise ships, Grenada quietly remains a place where abundance is still in abundance. The 12-by-21 mile island so overflows with natural endowments–healthy coral reefs, solitary beaches, and mountainous rainforests–that you don’t care if the way […] Read more

Grip Top Sock

Give me the gift of a grip top sock, A dip-drape, ship-shape, tip-top sock, Not your spiv-slick, slap-stick, slip-slop stock, But a plastic elastic grip-top sock. None of your fantastic slack swap-slop From a slapdash, flash cash, haberdash shop. Not a knick-knack, knit-lock, knock-kneed knickerbocker sock With a mock-shot, blob-mottled trick tick-tocker clock. Not a […] Read more

Grip Top Sock – Version 2

Give me the gift of a grip-top sock, A dip drape ship shape tip top sock, Not your spiv-slick slap stick slip slop stock, But a plastic, elastic, grip-top sock. None of your fantastic slack swap stock From a slap dash flash cash haberdash shop; Not a knick-knack knock-kneed knickerbocker sock With a mock-shot blob-mottled […] Read more

Growing Orchids

What to keep in mind about growing orchids. While each type of orchid has its own care requirements, the following five factors affect all blooms: Light: The plant’s tender leaves can be burned by too much direct sunlight, Yet, insufficient light stunts the growth of certain varieties. Temperature: Orchids that require cooler temperatures can often […] Read more

Guerilla Marketing

What are the characteristics of the guerilla marketing as opposed to traditional marketing? Guerrilla marketing differs in twelve ways: 1. Traditional marketing uses as big a budget as possible; guerrilla marketing substitutes time, energy and imagination for money. 2. Traditional marketing is geared to big businesses with a big dream but, not a big bankroll. […] Read more

Guide to Recording Voice

Recording a person speaking is quite straightforward and getting good results shouldn’t be too hard, given the right environment and equipment. If you are using a close-micing technique, which is necessary with a cardioid condenser microphone, you will want to place a pop-shield between the mic and the person speaking. Pop-shields protect the microphone from […] Read more

Guilty Pleasures- Laurell K. Hamilton

Willi McCoy had been a jerk before he died. His being dead didn’t change that. He sat across from me, wearing a loud plaid sport jacket. The polyester pants were primary Crayola green. His short, black hair was slicked back from a thin, triangular face. He had always reminded me of a bit player from […] Read more

Guitar Tip

And now for the Guitar Tip Of The Week: Take care of your hands. You can finger notes more easily if you keep the nails on your fret hand trimmed short. Leave the nails on your picking hand slightly longer to facilitate plucking the strings. Rough edges on your nails will impair the tone of […] Read more

Gun Control

As America enters the next decade, it does so with an appalling legacy of gun violence. The 1980s were tragic years that saw nearly a quarter of a million Americans die from handguns — four times as many as were killed in the Vietnam War. We began the decade witnessing yet another president, Ronald Reagan, […] Read more