In the 2008 film, The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger plays The Joker, an iconic villain and “agent of chaos.” After telling his chilling story about how he got his facial scars, the phrase “why so serious” is elevated to trademark creepy. Here’s a version of his speech to bring out your very own supervillain.
As he placed the knife inside Gambol’s mouth, he explained grimly and with detail. Would you like to know how I got my scars? My fiend of a father was a drinker, and one night he is crazier than usual. Mom runs to the kitchen looking for a knife she can use to defend herself, and he really doesn’t like that, no, no, no. As I watch, he lays the knife against her skin, laughing while he sliced. He turns to look coldly at me, comes forward, and sticks the blade in my mouth, saying, “Why so serious? Let me put a smile on that face, yes!”
Then with no hesitation, he slashes Gambol’s face.