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You are browsing the VOICE ACTOR WEBSITES free voice over practice script library.
These public domain voice over scripts are available as a resource for voice actors to practice. They have been compiled by talent just like you who are working together to make the voice over industry better for everyone. Since these scripts are widely available, we suggest not using them for a demo but they are great for practice! View all voice over script categories

Like animals, plants need food and water. But what sets them apart is their struggle for light. Plants must have light in order to grow and will do anything to get as much as they need. The forest might appear to be the perfect place for plants to thrive yet down here on the forest floor is one of the hardest places imaginable for a young plant to begin its life. The canopy above is so thick that only a little sunlight can filter through. For this sampling, too little sunlight means death. But plants on the forest floor need not be passive. If the light won’t come to them, they can go to the light. But they still have a problem, the light is 50 meters above them so they must climb. It’s much easier to use another plant as scaffolding. But they wont get very high unless they can hold on tight. Like fingertips searching for a hold this Ivy’s adhesive pads grip the bog. instead of sticking to the trees, some climbers use sharp claws. The cat’s claw creeper hooks it’s tendrils into the tiniest crevasses and hauls itself to the top. With every meter it climbs the light gets a little stronger, fueling more growth.