Secret societies have an internal structure not at all different from many business or political models. They have a series of held beliefs and rituals, sometimes they even have their own set of holidays and festivals. The difference is that those events and beliefs are hidden and secret. They hide them away in symbols and codes. They basically live “under the radar” of common public awareness, and this too, like the dualism of their inner struggle, is an outgrowth of human nature.
The power base of secret societies is not unlike the psychology studies of Madison Avenue advertising. They understand the basics of human nature and how to manipulate it, and this is how they have gained their power for centuries. Much of their closely guarded secret information was held long before it became public, not just in the esoteric reading of the heavenly host, but also information on such subjects as navigation and mathematical properties of construction.
Many of the symbols that we see used today that are now a matter of every day life can be related back to ancient times and the worship of the heavenly host. Star tracking and knowledge of how to read the stars and their positions were matters of great survival to the societies of long ago which had no compass or wrist watch. This was the practice of literally moving your mind into the heavens and using that information for guidance and navigation. This information became rigorously guarded and secret societies emerged.