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Are voice actors working the holidays? Is anyone outside of the emergency services working during the holidays? The answer is both yes and no.  There is a common feeling in the west that the dates between boxing day (December 26th) and New Year’s Eve (December 31st) feel unusual. It leaves four dates which, if landed between Monday and Friday, are lost between work and Leasure.

Organizations worldwide commonly take off on December 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th. Understandably so, these dates are crammed between two of the biggest holidays in the calendar. However, often voiceover artists need to take the work when it is available. Whether one chooses to work these dates or not is an individual preference. Let’s go through the common practices of managing the holiday season.

Tip 1: Voice Performers Deciding Working Hours When the Holidays Arrive

Humans all have different tastes, and some enjoy the holidays more than others. Being intentional is critical on this topic for two reasons. The first is for one’s own work-life balance, and the second is for the benefit of the client/prospective client. Nothing is worse from a customer’s perspective than attempting to hire a service to discover the shop is shut despite the sign saying open.

Tip 2: Capitalize on Voice Actors Working the Holidays

Whilst the competition is sipping mulled wine and eating mince pies it is an excellent opportunity to book those last-minute jobs. Typically speaking, Christmas is always closed. However, those four limbo-styled December dates are a great time to get in extra hours in front of the microphone. Many choose to work Christmas Eve and Boxing day. This is, of course, personal preference. However, experience shows they are relatively unproductive days to work.

Tip 3: Make a List and Check it Twice (During the Holidays)

An article on the holidays is incomplete without a fun carol line, but the point is still apt. This line refers to the importance of being intentional with the hours in the working day. Making a list is a great tool for productivity. What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to spend your time? What jobs are lingering and incomplete? Internally ask these questions. Now is a fantastic time to get on top of them pesky tasks. The last two weeks in December typically have fewer distractions orbiting the usual busy workload. The lack of distractions is due to other areas of the industry being closed for the holidays.

Tip 4: Above All Else, Working Voiceover Artists Need to Prioritize

This section is not referencing the need to prioritize your workload, though that is important. It references the need to ensure that you first look after yourself and your loved ones. The holidays are there to be enjoyed, and although work-life balance is important, it is vital to rest and enjoy family.

Voice Talent Working the Holidays

It is important to work when and where required. However, the need to rest and enjoy the season break is essential too. There are certainly pros and cons to working the holiday. But, intention and priorities need to be the foundations of choosing what to work on over the holiday period and when. You can learn more about the business voiceover priorities here.


Are voice actors working the holidays by Alan Shires – Actor, Voiceover Artist, and Presenter at www.alanshires.co.uk.